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Getting Started with ListenWIFI

Welcome to your ListenWIFI Demo Kit experience! Discover the tools and techniques that will elevate your demo and amplify the Wi-Fi experience for your customers.

Now that you’ve got your demo kit, it’s time to learn some tricks about the Wi-Fi experience. To get the most out of your demo kit, we recommend watching our instructional video. It’s designed to help you unlock the full potential of the power of Wi-Fi for assistive listening.

For A Better Listening Experience

Give Guests A Choice

Let guests choose to use their smartphone or borrow the LWR-1050 receiver.

Low Latency

No lip-sync issues! Low latency means the audio does not lag.

Budget Friendly

Find a ListenWIFI system to fit your needs and your budget.

Woman at home listening to music and drinking coffee


Globally compliant with accessibility legislation including the Americans with Disabilites Act (ADA).

Unlimited Channels

Stackable servers means unlimited channels for a future-proof solution. 

T-Coil Friendly

Neck loops connect the audio directly to hearing aids or cochlear implants using either their smartphone or the LWR-1050.

ListenWIFI, like earlier versions of our audio over Wi-Fi solutions, lets venues stream audio over their wireless network to guests’ smartphones or venue-provided LWR-1050 Receivers. Using their smartphone, guests access the audio via a free app and listen with headphones or earbuds.

ListenWIFI introduces new ways to listen to the audio.

In simple, single audio channel applications, the new LWR-1050 Receiver can be preconfigured so users can simply turn on the device and connect to the venue’s audio without worrying about Wi-Fi connections.

For venues with more than one channel available, users can still select their preferred channel on their device, just like they did before. With ListenWIFI devices can automatically connect to a channel when a device enters a room or gets near a specific area or location using the ListenWIFI LA-490 Beacons, which send a signal to connect the device to the correct channel for that location.


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