Auracast Broadcast Audio-based Assistive Listening Systems

Kim Franklin, VP of global marketing at Listen Technologies, outlines what houses of worship need to know about this new hearing assistance technology. If you attended CES, ISE or InfoComm earlier this year, or are interested in the latest innovations in hearing assistance technology trends, you may have heard or read about Auracast™ broadcast audio….


Out of the Box: ListenWIFI

For an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, traditional sound systems are not enough. Read more via Technologies for Worship.


Optimizing In-Person Worship Service Experiences

How audio-over-Wi-Fi assistive-listening systems support houses of worship’s efforts to make the sanctuary a more dynamic experience. Accessibility promotes inclusion: In houses of worship that have audio-over-Wi-Fi assistive-listening systems, users can stream church audio to their smartphone and listen through headphones or a headset. If users wear Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids, sound is transmitted directly from their…


Q&A with Nilson Dimarzio, Jr.

After searching the brands available, I decide that a Listen RF system was the best option due to ease of installation, the many accessories offered to best customize the system to the application, as well as the simplicity of use. The transmission signal is clean, sound quality is great, and there are two channels on…


Worship AVL Features Assistive Listening Technology

Regardless of the size or layout of a house of worship space, there are audio and assistive listening solutions to meet the hearing and language needs of congregants and visitors and ensure “all are welcome”. Kim Franklin, vice president of marketing at Listen Technologies, looks at how the use of technology in houses of worship…


Church Production

Language Translation and Assistive Listening Solutions Help Engagement at New Jersey Church The translation system from Listen Technologies allows grandparents, parents, and children to attend church services together and all hear the same message – without language being a barrier.  Read more >>>


Technologies for Worship

Listen Technologies ListenTALK  When you are a small or even mid-sized church with an ever changing volunteer base, you can’t afford to send every new tech volunteer to tech college to learn how to use equipment. It has to be “plug and play” ready without needing to read a 200 page instruction manual. That’s what…
