Salt Lake City, Utah, USADr. Anne Lobdell, an audiologist who has been practicing for more than ten years, is now the Chair of the Loop Utah Steering Committee. The Loop Utah Movement is dedicated to educating Utah venues about the many benefits of hearing loop technology. Hearing loops deliver sound to an individual’s t-coil equipped hearing aid or cochlear implants wirelessly. This empowers hearing-impaired individuals who visit public spaces and venues of all types can enjoy a clear, immersive listening experience that they could otherwise not receive.
“I am involved with Loop Utah, because I believe in the technology,” says Dr. Lobdell. “My passion for loop technology began early in my career when my hard of hearing grandmother explained how a loop system allowed her to continue to participate in church services, which made me wonder why the technology wasn’t available in more places.”
The Loop Utah Steering Committee’s goals are to build more awareness in and around the State of Utah on how prevalent hearing loss is and to work to get all types of venues, whether they are places of worship, theaters, businesses or sports arenas, to understand the need for assistive listening (especially hearing loop) technologies.
“Through education of the community, government, health care professionals, and the hard of hearing population, we can improve the lives of those living with hearing loss. They can return to fully enjoying activities that they may have abandoned due to difficulties stemming from hearing loss and diminished hearing and communication capabilities,” Dr. Lobdell added.
The Loop Utah Steering Committee’s ultimate vision is to make Utah a model state where t-coil and cochlear implant users can take full advantage of assistive listening systems, such as hearing loops.
The group will focus its main efforts on advocacy for the individuals who are hard of hearing. This will include education on how to approach venues about hearing loop technology, and what to do if a venue doesn’t offer assistive listening technologies at all.
“I am honored to chair the Loop Utah Steering Committee. Working with such a dedicated and passionate group of individuals to push the Loop Utah Movement forward has already been exceptional. Through the collaboration and creativity of the Steering Committee, the ability to bring this technology to the community has never been so promising,” concludes Dr. Lobdell.
The kickoff event for the Loop Utah Movement, proudly sponsored by Listen Technologies, will take place at the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Festival on September 21, 2013 from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Sanderson Community Center. The event is free and open to the public.
About Listen Technologies Corporation
Listen Technologies brings power and clarity to the sounds that enrich your lifeby overcoming the challenges of noise, distance, lively debate and hearing loss to deliver precise and personalized audio in any setting or environment. With Listen solutions, you can cut through the clutter and connect to an experience of pure, focused sound. Listen solutions are used in gathering places around the world including schools, houses of worship, factories, entertainment venues, government agencies and more. For more information on Listen solutions, contact Listen Technologies at 1.800.330.0891, +1.801.233.8992, or visit or connect with the company on Facebook or Twitter.
About Loop Utah
Loop Utah is an ongoing advocacy campaign dedicated to educating Utah venues about the many benefits of hearing loop technology, which delivers sound directly to an individual’s telecoil-equipped hearing aid or cochlear implant. Loop Utah will serve to attract, educate, and advocate as the collective voice for loop technology so the Hard of Hearing (HoH) community can have the enriched experience they deserve in venues across the state of Utah.