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– ListenLoop D Series 10 and 14 Amp drivers are the most powerful products on the market; both have a Dante option and are fully network controllable –


BLUFFDALE, UTAH June 21, 2016Listen Technologies , a leading provider of assistive listening products for more than 17 years, is shipping the new D Series Digital Signal Processing (DSP) network-controllable drivers with Dante (Digital Audio Network Through Ethernet) option for its ListenLoop system beginning June 30, 2016. ListenLoop, powered by Ampetronic, provides a personal listening experience to anyone with a telecoil technology in their hearing aid or cochlear implants without additional equipment. The Dante option improves audio transmission over ethernet.


The new D Series drivers consist of 10 and 14 Amp dual output drivers with a Dante network option. At a maximum of 14 amps per loop output, the D14-2 driver is the most powerful product currently available. Both drivers offer a 60%+ increase in energy efficiency over existing solutions and an unsurpassed clarity of sound for both music and speech for superior intelligibility. Based on proven and highly reliable technology, both are backed by a five year warranty and Listen Technologies technical support.


Set up and control are streamlined with the D Series drivers. Audio signals for testing are built in and the amplifiers can be controlled from any browser over the network or via a Wi-Fi router. A Dante version of the driver includes a network RJ45 input connection enabling Dante plug and play network audio. Dante is a combination of software, hardware and network protocols that deliver uncompressed, multi-channel, low-latency, digital audio over a standard Ethernet network using Layer 3 IP packets.


The amplifiers themselves are state-of-the-art, high output, high efficiency class “D” drivers with digital display and touch controls that provide a simple user interface. Network/Wi-Fi connectivity and control eases the process of setting up a loop system as well as providing additional capabilities for remote control, maintenance and monitoring.


In another first for high-power Class D Induction Loop drivers, installation is now performed with complete confidence thanks to unique multi-stage output filtering, which eliminates interference with other installed AV equipment as well as compliance with EMC regulations.


“We are pleased to offer these powerful drivers to venues that want to provide clear sound to a wider area for their customers,” said Russ Gentner, CEO of Listen Technologies. “Being able to control these drivers over the network revolutionizes the ease of use for hearing loop systems.”


For more information on ListenLoop offerings and Listen’s full product line, email sales@listentech.com.




About Listen Technologies:

Listen Technologies develops products that create exceptional user listening experiences in a variety of groups or gatherings. The company thrives on innovation, leading to the delivery of exceptional wireless communication systems. These solutions are used for assistive listening and language interpretation in houses of worship, tour groups, fitness centers, stadiums and a long list of other cool applications. For more information on Listen Technologies’ newest innovations, including ListenWifi and ListenIR, visit www.listentech.com.


About Ampetronic:

Ampetronic is the established global leaders of the hearing loop systems market, a position earned by over 25 years of innovation and development in order to provide the best possible solution for people who experience hearing loss. Hearing Loops broadcast audio directly to hearing aids and Ampetronic designs, manufactures and promotes the systems around the world, providing education and services via a network of qualified partners. Ampetronic supports Listen Technologies and its clients throughout the Americas. Visit www.ampetronic.co/




Listen Technologies Press Contact:

Carrie Keele




PR Contact:

Valerie Chereskin

Chereskin Communications

