Student studying in a classroom at a desk


Solutions For Education Create engaging learning environments with technology that goes beyond compliance. Get in Touch Increase Engagement Foster Inclusivity Compliance A LESSON HEARD IS A LESSON LEARNED Did you know around 15% of students would fail a 16 dB hearing screening? This affects their ability to hearlectures clearly, which makes engaging in discussions and…


Arenas and Stadiums

Solutions for Arenas and Stadiums Provide simple assistive listening and communication solutions to make your audio experiences accessible to everyone. See the Systems Get In Touch Accessible and Inclusive Easy to Use Compliant Deliver an Awesome Experience For an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, traditional sound systems are not enough. Not being…

Defocused image at a tradeshow event

Convention Centers

Solutions for Convention Centers Provide simple assistive listening and communication solutions to make your audio experiences accessible to everyone. Get in Touch Accessible and Inclusive Easy to Use Compliant Deliver an Awesome Experience For an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, traditional sound systems are not enough. Not being able to hear at…


Museums and Exhibits

Solutions for Museums and Exhibits Create meaningful connections with the communities you serve by offering inclusive and accessible audio experiences. Get in Touch Accessible and Inclusive Easy to Use Compliant Deliver an Awesome Experience For an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, traditional sound systems are not enough. Not being able to hear…



Solutions for Business Inclusive teams are embracing our secure audio solutions, not just to meet compliance, but because they enhance training, interpretation, assistive listening, and tours, fostering an environment where everyone can engage and excel. Get in Touch EMPOWERING INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS Did you know that nearly 15%* of Americans ages 18 and over report some…

People seating in a movie theater auditorium


Solutions for Theaters Create meaningful connections with the communities you serve when audio experiences are accessible to everyone. Get in Touch Accessible and Inclusive Easy to Use Compliant Deliver an Awesome Experience For an estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, traditional sound systems are not enough. Not being able to hear at live…

Mother and daughter pointing to an Italian statue in the streets of Tuscany.

Tour Operations

Solutions for Tour Operators Create meaningful connections with your guests when you make audio experiences available to everyone. Get In Touch Tell a Story Create an Experience Grow your business Live Guided Tours Create an inclusive experience where everyone can hear clearly. No more shouting or waiting to get everyone’s attention. No more competing with…

Group of hands in prayer

House of Worship

House of Worship Solutions The spoken word – the message – is the most fundamental element of a worship service. Support your congregation by offering hearing assistance, so the message reaches everyone.  Get In Touch ENCOURAGE EQUALITY OF ACCESS FOR ALL Did you know that nearly 15%* of Americans ages 18 and over report some…



Solutions for Government Provide simple assistive listening and communication solutions and make your audio accessible to everyone. Get In Touch ENSURING EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE Assistive listening systems in courthouses and government buildings are essential for ensuring equal access to justice, complying with legal requirements, enhancing communication and understanding, supporting efficiency and fairness, promoting transparency…



Solutions for Manufacturing Safely and effectively communicate regardless of ambient noise or distance. Get In Touch Deliver Your Message Connect with People Maintain Physical Distance It can be frustrating to talk one-on-one or to a group when working in a challenging environment with noise, distance, distractions, or competing conversations. Communicate easily and clearly with Listen…
