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The new Korean Central Presbyterian Church in Centreville, VA has a lot of windows and a lot of cable. The windows are by design, “to channel the blessings of the church to the outside community,” according to KCPC’s pastor.

Thirty-five miles of cable support an astounding amount of high-end presentation technologies to attract an even larger audience. Three dozen architects got the chance to see it all today during an InfoComm Lunch & Tour.

They also saw line arrays in the main sanctuary which accommodates 5,000 people every Sunday. The sound is excellent. I heard it first-hand. It ought to be, with 408 speakers spread throughout the entire campus that includes a multi-purpose room (gym), a second chapel for English services and weddings, classrooms, a café and a bookstore.

Each one of these Lunch & Tours is unique and tells the story of AV’s impact on audiences ranging from baseball fans and theater-goers to students and executives. It’s an effective way to showcase the best of the best in terms of AV. Architects get a new perspective on the technology they often like to hide, and AV consultants and integrators get the chance to explain why they need to be at the design table to determine the right-size screen for the room or allow more space to provide sound isolation between adjacent spaces.
InfoComm is grateful to its member sponsors for making these education events possible: Biamp, Chief, Kramer, Listen Technologies and MediaSite by SonicFoundry. If only more consultants and integrators would share their stories, we might convert even more architects to work with an AV professional and enjoy great sound.
Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.
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