The Waste Education Centre at Donarbon Waste Management Park in Waterbeach, is open to anybody from the Cambridgeshire’s community who is interested in finding out more about what happens to their waste. Working in partnership with Cambridgeshire County Council, they welcome visits from schools and colleges, special interest groups, local businesses and the general public. The centerpiece of the 400-acre park is a £41.5 million, state of the art Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT) plant with attached education center.
Apple Sound Ltd has supplied Donarbon Waste with a Listen Technologies tour guide system to help with their education programme. This enables up to 30 people on a tour to hear clearly what the tour guide has to say. Karen Brenchley at Donarbon explained,
“I have been really impressed with the service I’ve received from Apple Sound. It has been friendly, efficient and every effort has been made to find the correct equipment for our needs. The listening equipment we are now using with groups of children has transformed our site visits. The children love using the headsets and can now hear everything that is said, even in very noisy situations.”
Schools can book visits with activities linked to themes such as waste minimization, recycling and composting or linked to National Curriculum subjects such as Citizenship, Geography, Science and Design and Technology.
The education centre has just been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge (Friday 7th May). The Quality Badge is the first national accreditation system for venues that provide learning outside the normal classroom setting and is accredited as offering good quality teaching and learning experiences and are safe for the children. The Badge then gives the schools confidence that pupils visiting the centre will have a worthwhile educational experience within a facility which manages risk effectively.