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Thunder Creek Speedway in Dorney Park, a go-cart track in Allentown, PA, had a sound problem. The track, located in a residential area, was receiving numerous and ongoing complaints about the PA system on the track. In order for drivers to hear instructions and announcements over the noise of the car engines, track officials had to increase the PA system volume to a level considered offensive by their neighbors.
“For years, the park had been replacing windows in neighbors’ houses, installing thermal paint windows, putting more insulation in their walls, and spending large amounts of money to buffer the (bull) horns from the track,” explained Bob Schermerhorn, vice president of sales at Allentown-based Entertainment Services Group (ESG). “They started to realize that no matter how many windows they replaced, these were all houses built in the `30’s and `40’s. No matter what you did, you were not necessarily going to be able to completely minimize the noise.”
Bob and ESG suggested using a Listen wireless audio system for the cars. After installing an LT-800 Stationary Transmitter in the control booth, ESG utilized LR-600 Wireless Speaker / Receivers for each of the cars. The LR-600’s were adapted with custom designed rechargeable batteries and a shock absorbing mounting system. Then one was installed in each of the track’s 33 cars. “You really don’t see the speaker at all,” Bob laughed. “If you haven’t driven the car before, it’s almost as if God is talking to you. This voice comes out of nowhere, and it gets your attention. And the gain is enough that it can be heard over the engine noise.”
“I think it’s a great example of showing that there are a lot of applications for wireless audio,” said Bob. “When you say wireless, a lot of people think of microphones. But there are a lot more applications than you think.”
Listen wireless audio … applications that can really go places.
Story originally printed in November, 2002 issue of System Contract News, by Travis McGee.

Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.
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