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I am a firm believer that we all want to do the right thing. We all want to provide patrons and guests with Assistive Listening and become ADA compliant. What do we do next?

It is one thing to have an Assistive Listening System, but it is another thing to utilize it properly. I highly suggest that you start with signage to advertise that you have an Assistive Listening System. To ensure that you and your guests get the most out of your venue, here are more suggestions about how to make better use of your Assistive Listening System.

· Displaying proper signage is important. How will anyone know to ask for the equipment if it is hidden under some guest services desk somewhere in a box? Display them proudly: We Have Assistive Listening! All you have to do is ask! Depending on what sort of system you have (RF, IR, or Hearing Loop), you’ll need to display the correct sign. Here are some samples of the correct signage.

· Train your staff. Nothing is worse than bad customer service and this includes checking out an Assistive Listening System. Make sure all your staff members know what an Assistive Listening System is, what it is for, how it works, and why it is important. This way they can better serve those guests who need it. I give you the example of The Hale Center Theater in Utah. They are incredible when it comes to their Assistive Listening System that they even know to ask patrons on the phone if they would like to use the equipment when they are purchasing tickets. Amazing!

I would like to leave you with these important thoughts: providing an Assistive Listening System is an opportunity to inform people—it builds awareness, erases stigmas about hearing loss, and helps people. It is the right thing to do!

I would like to thank CASI for allowing me to visit them and share my passion on this topic. It was a wonderful experience and something I hope to be able to repeat for others in the future.

Three separate ListenTALK receivers in a row with different group names on each display screen.
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