A good sound system does not just happen! It requires careful consideration, professional evaluation, proper planning and an ongoing relationship with a trusted sound system professional.
We realize that most churches have a significant amount of monies and time already invested in their sound systems, and a lot of preparation goes into making sure you are ready for your Holiday services and Christmas programs.
Your congregation’s hearing of the spoken word is R&M Consulting’s highest priority and reward! We have developed a Holiday checklist for AV system efficiency we hope you will find helpful as you prepare for the next few weeks.
Holiday Checklist for A/V System Efficiency
- Have all microphones been checked for FCC compliance?
- Are all speakers working and can the talker be heard from every seat in the church?
- Is all sound system equipment in proper working condition?
- Do all microphones work properly and have windscreens, reliable stands and batteries where needed?
- Is your video equipment functioning properly?
- Do you have all necessary Assisted Listening Devices and equipment?
- Will you need to purchase or rent any special equipment for concerts, plays or special guests?
- Do your sound system operators know how to properly use all equipment and find system documentation in case of emergency?
Also, if you are in Northern Illinois, Indiana, or Southern Wisconsin we offer a complimentary evaluation at no charge to your church. During this site visit, we are able to check over all equipment, meet sound system personnel and gain an overall vision of the churches present needs and future plans.
This visit is valued at over $500. Sometimes, minor repairs and adjustments can be made on the spot, again at no charge to you!
By spending an hour of your time with R&M Consulting; we can make sure you are getting the most out of your investment and help your plan for areas of future need. Not only will you receive our complimentary evaluation, but also a written report with our recommendations, all at no charge to your church.
We are here to help!